Rupesh Nasre Home Page
Email : rupesh [at] cse [dot] iitm [dot] ac [dot] in   |   Phone : (+91)-44-2257-4374
Lab(s) : PACE Lab.
Link to Personal Homepage

Research Interests :

Compilers, Parallelization.

Publications : (Last Five, while at IITM)DBLP | View All

  • FlexiGran: Flexible Granularity Locking in Hierarchies. 
    Authors : Anju Mongandampulath Akathoott, Rupesh Nasre
    Appeared in Euro-Par 2024: Parallel Processing - 30th European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Madrid, Spain, August 26-30, 2024, Proceedings, Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 14801, No., pp.3-17, Aug 2024
  • Meerkat: A Framework for Dynamic Graph Algorithms on GPUs. 
    Authors : Kevin Jude Concessao, Unnikrishnan Cheramangalath, MJ Ricky Dev, Rupesh Nasre
    Appeared in Int. J. Parallel Program., Vol 52, No., pp.400-453, Jan 2024
  • Reduce, Reuse, and Adapt: Accelerating Graph Processing on GPUs. 
    Authors : Ullas A, Rupesh Nasre, R. Govindarajan
    Appeared in 30th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics, HiPC 2023, Goa, India, December 18-21, 2023, pp.335-346, Dec 2023
  • Effective Parallelization of the Vehicle Routing Problem. 
    Authors : Rajesh Pandian M, Somesh Singh, Rupesh Nasre, N.S. Narayanaswamy
    Appeared in Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2023, Lisbon, Portugal, July 15-19, 2023 (GECCO 2023) ,pp.1036-1044, Jul 2023
  • Single-linkage clustering of dynamic data. 
    Authors : Anju Mongandampulath Akathoott, Rupesh Nasre
    Appeared in Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., Vol 35, Jan 2023

(Recent) Teaching : View All  |  Back to top

Jul 2024 - Nov 2024 : - Compiler Design (CS3300)
Jan 2024 - May 2024 : - GPU Programming (CS6023)
Jan 2023 - May 2023 : - GPU Programming (CS6023)
Jul 2022 - Nov 2022 : - Problem Solving Using Computers (CS1111)
Apr 2022 - May 2022 : - Problem Solving Using Computers (CS1111)

(Current) Advisees View All  |  Back to top

ProgramNameRoll No.Joining DateFunding
PhDJyothi Krishna V SCS13D022Jul 2013HTRA
PhDSomesh SinghCS14D023Jul 2014HTRA
PhDSomesh SinghCS14D406Jul 2014HTRA
PhDDileep Kumar PattipatiCS15D002Jan 2015HTRA
PhDShouvick MondalCS16D004Jul 2016HTRA
PhDAnju M ACS16D019Dec 2016HTRA
PhDAshwina KumarCS20D016Sep 2020HTRA
PhDEbenezer Rajadurai TCS20D012Sep 2020HTRA
PhDA. MahudeswaranCS22D017Jan 2023HTRA
MSShashidhar GCS14S022Jan 2014HTRA
MSAman SharmaCS15S049Jan 2016HTRA
MSDiptanshu KakwaniCS18S019Jul 2018HTRA
MSKondapalli JayavardhanCS21S011Aug 2021HTRA
MSYajnesh Prasad MohantyCS22S002Jul 2022HTRA
MSBhaskar BanerjeeCS22S024Jan 2023HTRA
M.TechManoj Gangadhar DongareCS15M029Jul 2015HTTA