Feb 24, 2017 : Kris Gopalakrishnan Endowment for Student Travel Awards - Application Procedure.
CSE Dept announces the application procedure to avail the
Kris Gopalakrishnan Endowment for Student Travel Awards . Here are the details :
There will be a total of 3 Lakhs per Calendar Year, starting Jan. 1, 2017, for 2 awards per calendar year.
- Maximum of 1.5 Lakhs per student award.
- In a given Calendar Year, normally only two awards will be given, in
first-come-first-serve mode. In cases where partial funding is
available from other sources, the balance funds can be used towards
supporting another student travel in the same or future years.
- Students from all CSE programs (BT,DD,MTech,MS,PhD) are eligible. ID
MS/PhD students with CSE as parent Dept. are also eligible.
- Paper must be co-authored with at least one CSE Faculty member. (Single author papers by a student will also be considered).
- Only one student co-author per paper will be awarded, in case of
multiple student co-authors.
- Full-length papers only; Short/poster papers will not be considered.
Submission procedure : By email to cshead@iitm.ac.in and hod@cse.iitm.ac.in attaching as a single zip file, the following documents,
at least two months before conference dates.
- Cover letter from student, addressed to HoD, CSE via CSE faculty
Please specify the estimate expenses that you will incur and that
you are requesting from the CSE Travel Grant program, including:
- Airfare - Approx. costs from some travel website
- Accommodation Costs
- Registration Fees
- Visa Fees, if any
- Local Transportation
- Meals/Per-diem Expenses
Please also specify if you are receiving funding from (or
applied/applying to) any other sources; and if so, the details of
these should be provided.
- Acceptance letter of the paper, from the conference organizers
- Document that gives statistics of acceptance (from acceptance
letter, website, program chair, etc.)
- Conference Paper
- Printout of conference website's homepage (1 page)
- CSE Faculty co-author's supporting letter, explaining the
student's contribution.
A Selection Committee will be formed for each request that includes:
HoD, CSE and faculty members (both CSE and non-CSE) who work in areas
related to the paper.
If you are selected for the award, then you must submit a
reimbursement application to CSE HoD, after returning from the
conference. All relevant receipts, Boarding Passes, etc. must be
included after duly being certified by student and CSE Faculty member.