the course objectives include teaching the fundamentals of object-oriented concepts and programming; implementing
- Object Oriented Programming -- Objects, Operator Overloading, Function and Object Polymorphism, Inheritance, Abstraction, Function Pointers, File I/O.
- Data Structures and Algorithms Implementation and Analysis based on topics covered in CS2800. The following list is not exhaustive --
- Stacks, Queues, Searching and Sorting (Internal and External), Graph Algorithms, Trees (including Balanced and In-Memory/In-Disk Storage), Hash Tables, Dynamic Programming, Matrix Operations (including Multiplication, Transpose, Inverse, Gaussian Elimination).
- Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ Hardcover, by Mark A. Weiss, Jun 2013, Publisher: PHI; 4 edition, ISBN-10: 013284737X ISBN-13: 978-0132847377.
- Algorithms in C++ : Fundamentals, Data Structures, Sorting, Searching, Parts 1-4, 3rd Edition (Paperback), Pearson India, ISBN-10 8131713059, 2009, ISBN-13 9788131713051.