This is the Phase II of the M.Tech Project. At the end of the semester the students are expected to submit a report and there will be a viva (or other forms of evaluation) based on the report.
Report for Project II (10 credits of CS5990)
- A (minimum) 10-page technical report describing the research problem, the background, the proposed solution or system architecture, the implementation platform and implementation status (if appropriate), proofs (if appropriate), is due by Nov. 1, 2016, 5pm. The report should be submitted on Moodle and on turnitin; details later.
There will be a 40% penalty for submissions received after the deadline till Nov. 10, 5pm. (the exact deadline of the year will be announced by the faculty advisors of the year)
If the student does not submit the report by the above FINAL deadline, he/she will not be allowed to register for Project-III Credits in the fourth semester.
- The document should be written using LATEX software package. The formatting will be IEEE single-column, single-spacing journal style (you can find style files on the web), with 11-pt font. References will be cited in place based on the IEEE citation style.
- The report MUST be approved by your guide. Please give your guide at least 10 days (or as required by your guide) to approve the report. If you fail to do so and the guide is unable to approve the report by the deadline, then the report will not receive any points.
- Submissions will be done on the website: specific instructions will be provided on the Moodle site.
TWO hard copies should also be submitted to your faculty advisor.
There should be absolutely NO plagiarized text/diagrams in the report. This site provides software to detect plagiarized content in the report. Please submit a few days before the deadline and ensure that the Turnitin Similarity Score is reasonable (approx. 20%).
- Needless to say, the report should be free of spelling errors, grammar errors, formatting errors, etc.
- There will be a viva voce examination, based on your report, in Nov. 2016: schedule will be posted later.
Important :
- Students receiving a passing grade below C grade (D, E) in Project-II will not be allowed to register for Project-III credits. Instead of Project-III, they must complete 3 CSE Dept. electives in fourth semester or later to meet the degree requirements.
- Students receiving U grade must register for CS5990 in a subsequent semester and pass the course. Instead of Project-III, they must complete 3 CSE Dept. electives in fourth semester or later to meet the degree requirements.